The Saucy sauce of your dreams

Many calls it creme anglaise and others simple call it just a custard sauce. But this satin-smooth sauce is a classic treat that spans through generations.

Creme anglaise, ( which translates as "English cream") a classic French dessert sauce, is a rich liquid custard that has been used for Bavarian creams and ice creams, and for spooning over fruits and desserts. Its got many names like, English custard sauce, boiled custard, soft custard, and stirred custard. Whatever is its name, this sauce is made from rich milk, cream, sugar, and whole eggs or egg yolks for a more creamy version.
Because of its high calorie content, often times cornstarch or flour are used to add body while replacing fat. However in order to maintain the sauce's luscious and satin-smooth appeal, love-fat milk is preferred.

How to make a satin-smooth sauce of your dream?

1 3/4 cups 1% low-fat milk
vanilla extract
1/3 cup sugar

4 large egg yolks

  1. Pour milkinto a medium saucepan. Add vanilla extract. Cook over medium heat but do not boil. Remove from heat after 5 minutes.
  2. Combine sugar and yolks in a bowl, stirring with a whisk until blended. Gradually add milk mixture to bowl, stirring constantly with a whisk. Return mixture to pan. Cook over medium heat 6 minutes until mixture thinly coats the back of a spoon, stirring constantly with a whisk. Immediately pour mixture into a bowl. Cover and chill. Mixture thickens when its cold.
  3. This kind of sauce can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 3 days.


  1. reminds me of when my grandmother use to make custard. Is this similar to Creme Brulee?
    I am a custard freak...hehe


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