How to Make White Glaze Icing for Cinnamon Rolls and Pastires


Yield: 1 cup

  • 2 cups confectioner sugar
  • 2 tablespoons butter (softened)
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla
  • 1 teaspoon water or orange juice
  • 1 tablespoon milk
In a dry clean bowl, mix all ingredients except milk. The pour enough milk to make a thick glaze. You may substitute milk with cream to make if you want a bit thicker and creamer glaze. Drip the mixture immediately over cold cinnamon rolls, pastries, pound cakes, or danishes. This will form a shiny crust and will harden as it cools. For some variations, you may spread the glaze over warmed cakes and serve that way as well.

You can also use any type of fruit juice instead of water if you want to flavor the glaze.


  1. I wanted to make a glaze but we have to be dairy free - do you think i can sub milk for almond milk? almond milk is thinner then dairy milk so do you think it will work?


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